COSTA RICA,Ā MAYĀ 4th - 11th 2025





The journey is IN.

This Inbodied Life retreat is an opportunity to explore all that you are, all that you're part of and all that you come from.

At Finca Samanea, in the breathtaking Cloud Forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica you'll be held by deep nature while you do your sacred inner work.

Psychedelic Psychotherapist Lauren Taus will be offering support around three ceremonies led by Karen Gordon and supported by Dave Perry. This experience will begin well before arrival. Lauren and Karen will lead preparation calls to ensure each participant's readiness for the sacred encounter. 

Saying YES to this journey is saying YES to Life, 

and life, my friends, is Inbodied.

We hope you'll join us.


 In this retreat, I learned empathy for myself, and for those close to me. I realized I need to show up for my loved ones more and express myself more. I feel clear on my direction and impact, and I have a new appreciation for life and the world. I would say I went from agnostic to spiritual.



I've never felt stronger, more stable, assertive, sure of myself, and confident. I've also never felt this much empathy, compassion, and love for others and the world. I learned how to be a better human. And it's no exaggeration that this medicine gave me the permission to live - helped me give myself permission.


selectedI tapped into multi-dimensions that were so unknown to me. I’ve always been a believer in magic and this experience confirms it. The power of nature/Madre Tierra is infinite, and that we are earth and all interconnected. The feelings of being seen (by nature and fellow humans in cohort), of embodiment, of aliveness, of freedom, of safety and vibrancy are priceless.



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A journey inward held with deep intention, traditional songs, live music, and impeccable facilitation.

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Individual preparation calls with Lauren Taus and Karen Gordon to prepare your body, mind and spirit for the journey.

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In-person integration sessions in community, and an integration circle within 2 weeks of departure.

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Bathe in the soundscape of crystal bowls and tibetan chimes to pacify the nervous system and ground before ceremony.

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Delicious, high-vibrational food to compliment the work.

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Hands-on bodywork with local healers.


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DiscoverĀ the history of the local indigenous tribe and participate in aĀ traditional cacaoĀ ceremony

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Both Hatha and Yin yoga to support the restoration of the physical and energetic bodies

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Get embodied and cultivate deeper selfĀ acceptanceĀ through radical movement


A $500 application fee is applied toĀ your tuition.





Lauren is the personification of leadership, and she has the empathy, wisdom, and straightforward advice for integration essential to a life-changing experience. Each poem she read and each circle she led opened up more profound portals within the ceremony of life. Her life force built the container that changed all our lives.


I can’t imagine sitting in ceremony without Karen! Her intuition and humility, sacred space holding and knowledge were all on point! I felt like I was with someone who is a true legend and elder. She Inbodied the medicine and the journey it asked asks of us, I can’t wait to sit with her in ceremony again!



What I learned on this retreat is that the answers are there if you know where to look and are brave enough to walk in the dark. Also, in order to let things go, you must first hold them.




Single Room


Shared Space



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Lauren is dedicated to integrating modern science and ancient wisdom to support personal transformation and much needed systemic change. She started Inbodied Life as a private psychotherapy practice, and it blossomed into a group practice that is also a platform for education through in-person, experiential trainings and retreats.

Lauren graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College at Columbia University with a BA in Religion before completing her Masters in Social Work at NYU. Lauren focuses on the matrices that hold individuals, rejecting mainstream efforts to pathologize people as if their symptoms could be isolated from their environments.

Licensed as a clinical therapist in both New York and California, Lauren believes that life - and good psychotherapy - is psychedelic. She is trained by MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies), the Ketamine Training Center and in the shamanic realms. Lauren feels honored to partner with plant and compound allies in her work, but will always hold loving relationships as the most important medicine, and the only one we all really need.

Lauren’s biggest prayer is to wake people up to the magic of life and what they’re part of. Lauren understands that the highest form of personal healing contributes to collective liberation. She feels particularly excited to share her work publicly. Lauren is a frequent contributor on stages at psychedelic conferences such as Meet Delic, Wonderland and Trail Blazers. Her work has also been featured in magazines such as Double Blind, New York Magazine, Chacruna, the Guardian, and Forbes.

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Equal parts soul-filled scientist, inspired educator, nature therapist and entheogen guide, Karen has been restoring landscapes and facilitating transformative experiences in nature for humans for 30 years. Her work as a restoration ecologist has flowed from the fjords of the North Atlantic and across the reefs of the Caribbean sea, through the Peruvian Amazon and up to Costa Rica's cloud forested mountaintops.

Founder of the Center for Sacred Ecology and steward of the 40-acre Samanea Nature Sanctuary in Monteverde, Costa Rica Karen creates spaces where nature infuses and informs the awakening human heart. Prayer and ceremony sit at the center of her life. Karen has a Master's degree in Educational and Organizational Leadership, and a post graduate diploma in Spiritual Direction with an emphasis in nature therapy. Karen has worked within the Peruvian mestizo vegetalista tradition for the last 8 years. In addition to regularly serving alongside highly respected traditional curanderos in international circles, she holds space for intimate, intentional and heart-filled circles within in Costa Rica.